Professional Genealogists Can Help Solve Family Mysteries 

In addition to family genealogy reports, specializes in family mysteries and record retrieval. Here are some examples of successful research inquires that our researchers have handled:


  • My older brother died in the Pacific in World War II and we never found out what happened to him.

  • After my 100-year-old mother died, we discovered she had an earlier marriage and two children. What can you find out about this?

  • Our family lived in Lida in the 1880s, in what is today Belarus. Is it possible to get records?

  • Can you help me get records, apostilles and certified translations so I can apply for Italian citizenship?

  • My mother gave birth to me in New York City in the 1940s but didn't marry my father. I know his name but nothing else about him.

  • My great, great grandfather and his sister returned to England to live with an aunt when they were young children. We believe their parents died in Pennsylvania in the 1870s but don't know what happened to them.

  • My great, great grandfather left his family in England and moved to Australia in 1911. No one heard from him again and we wonder what became of him.